The Breed
The Club
Club Rules
Breeders Scheme
Club Shop
Breed Rescue


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The TDSGB is TDR affiliated

Rules & Regulations

The Foremost purpose of the Tamaskan Dog Society of Great Britain (TDSGB) is to ensure the welfare of the Tamaskan Dog in the UK and abroad. In accordance with this purpose, the members of the TDSGB are dedicated to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism

Members will continually aspire to improve the quality of their breeding program, they will strive to enhance their knowledge of the breed and its heritage and development.

Members should try to undertake all activities set out by the TDSGB to further encourage and educate others to the breed.

Members will undertake to provide proper care and attention for their dogs in the manner of feeding, grooming, exercise and any necessary veterinary attention.

Members will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or cause a nuisance to neighbours.

Members will not knowingly sell to commercial wholesale dealers, retailers or laboratories, nor will they allow puppies to be used as raffle or competition prizes.

Members will recognise and support the original Tamaskan Dog Register, a register dedicated to the welfare of the breed, the future of the breed and the collective interests of Tamaskan owners worldwide.

Members are to consider the best interests of the breed at all times, they will strive to portray a positive image of the breed for all to observe. They will represent the TDSGB and the Tamaskan Dog breed honestly and professionally.

Breeders shall sign the Breeders Contract supplied by the Tamaskan Dog Register and abide by its rules.

All new owners shall sign the Puppy Contract supplied by the Tamaskan Dog Register through the breeder and abide by its rules.

Members will try to work together in unity with other members, putting the preservation and advancement of the breed above personal ambitions and monetary gain.

No member will knowingly speak ill of a breeder or otherwise degrade another member. All discrepancies can be taken up with the TDSGB or the Tamaskan Dog Register committee.

Adherence to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is a condition for membership of the TDSGB.

Members shall acknowledge the authority of the TDSGB committee to suspend or cancel membership for the violation of any part of this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct


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