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The TDSGB is TDR affiliated

Frequently Asked Questions



How much exercise does a Tamaskan need every day?

Tamaskan are a medium sized working breed. They need on average a 45-60 minute walk every day, or two 30 minute walks. Lack of exercise can lead to behavioural issues. As well as physical exercise, Tamaskan benefit from mental stimulation in the form of a dog sports or brain games.

How trainable are they?

Being a working dog, Tamaskan are easily trained compared to some other breeds. Most Tamaskan are willing to please, but some can be more stubborn.

Do they have good recall?

Compared to other arctic breeds, like Siberian Huskies Tamaskan do have good recall and at least 75% can be let off the lead.

Are they good with children?

How well Tamaskan get on with children will depend on how well they are socialised with them as youngsters. If raised in a family environment then they will be gentle around children.

Are they good with other pets?

Again this is all down to familiarity and training. Tamaskan have been known to grow up with a wide range of species from cats and horses, to chickens and sheep.

Are there many Tamaskan Breeders in UK?

There are only a handful of genuine Tamaskan breeders in the UK. Please EMAIL the UK club to find out about details of upcoming litters

What colours can Tamaskan come in?

Tamaskan come in three colours, wolf grey, red grey and black grey. This means that they should all be grey underneath with different coloured overcoats. White gold is also seen in the Tamaskan, but it is not yet a recognised colour.


How big do they grow?

Tamaskan are quite inconsistent in size. They can be quite small or extremely large depending on the lines. However, the standard suggests they should be between 61cm - 84cm in height.

How can I find out more information on what a good quality Tamaskan looks like?

You can find the TDR's pictorial standard here

How much/often on average do they shed?

On a scale from 1 to 10, Tamaskan shedding will rank a solid 8.  You'll be sweeping and vacuuming at least twice a week, lint rolling your clothes everyday, and finding tumble-weeds of hair blowing through your home like the old west.

What are the common health issues?

The most common health issue for Tamaskan is undescended testicles, this can lead to cancer later in life and we recommend they have an operation to have it removed.  Epilepsy and Hip Dysplacia are uncommon diseases and effect less than 1 in 100, but still exist in the breed. Addisons is also becoming more common within the breed.

Can I work full time and still own a happy Tamaskan?

Separation Anxiety (SA) in Tamaskan is quite common because they are a pack animal. The breed is also known for their intelligence, activity, and athleticism so they can easily get bored and anxious after being inactive and away from their owners for long periods of time. Depending on the severity of the separation anxiety, they may show one or more of the following signs: Excessive barking or whining, howling, destructive behaviour, urination or defecation, drooling and attempting to escape. However, you can train your puppy to be alone and we recommend starting this immediately on getting your puppy home. Tamaskan puppies require regular feedings and toilet breaks and so require a human to be home to cater for these needs, but as an adult we recommend no more than 4 hours a day on their own.

Do they need a specific diet?

No. Some Tamaskan can suffer with a sensitive stomach and can only eat a raw diet or certain brands, however a lot of Tamaskan will happily live on a complete kibble based diet.

Does the Tamaskan have any wolf content?

Some lines have 0% wolf content and some have shown on average around 10%. Please note that content is not directly related to filial generation (for example, if a dog had 50% wolf content, that does not necessarily mean a parent was a pure wolf, wolf could in fact be several generations away). The Tamaskan breeding program has never added in wolf or high content wolf dogs, any wolf is many generations ago. Every DNA test company will give you different results. We recommend using Embark for the most accurate, but they also have a large margin of error

If my puppy has wolf content will this affect its temperament?

No, the average percentages for the Tamaskan breed are extremely low and would not affect the character of your dog at all.

How can I find out what content my dog has?

Since Jan 2021 all puppies born MUST be Embark tested by their breeder. If your dog was born before this time then I'm afraid you will have to pay for your own test to be done, but be sure to message us and ask about any discounts. Or you could contact your breeder to ask if any of your dogs siblings have been tested to give you an idea of your dogs content.

I have come across two websites claiming to be the TDR, what's that about?

The TDR was started by the founders of the breed, Blustag and Blufawn. Several years later there was an argument among breeders and some breeders decided to start their own club. The reason they chose to start a club of the same name is unknown, however we have speculated it was because breeding contracts require breeders to only mate their dogs to other TDR registered Tamaskan. By calling their new club the TDR, they are making a loophole in their legally binding contracts.

I have noticed on the 'Other' TDR database that some of the dogs in my pedigree have different names?

At the very start of the breed the majority of foundation stock were Utonagan. At the time, the Utonagan had a bad reputation, as most breeders did not health test their dogs and health issues, especially hip dysplasia were creeping into the breed. Blustag was an advocate for health testing and pioneered the health testing of all breeding stock. When she finally broke away from the Utonagan (over arguments about health testing) to develop the Tamaskan she decided she did not want the reputation of the failing Utonagan to follow her into the new breed, so she made the decision to change the pedigree names of her Utonagan from their kennel names to just their pet names. The original TDR continue to use the changed names, whereas the new TDR have decided to revert to pre Tamaskan kennel names, but they are still the same dogs.

What health tests are recommended for the Tamaskan?

Mandatory health tests for breeding Tamaskan include BVA Hip Testing, DM testing and annual heart tests,  Embark Testing is also mandatory for all puppies born. We also started the breeders scheme to encourage additional heath testing.

Will my Tamaskan pull a sled or rig?

Yes of course. This is what the Tamaskan was bred to do. Tamaskan will happily pull a sled or rig, however dogs under 12 months should not pull a rig and we do not recommend training in warm weather in the UK.

What about other dog sports or roles?

Tamaskan love to work and are involved in many sports and roles across the globe including, Pets as Therapy Dogs, Search and Rescue, Agility, Obedience, Freestyle Dancing and Working Trails. The TDSC also host their own beauty competitions and awards for hiking, cani cross and flyball.



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