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The Tamaskan Dog is large and athletic. He should have a wolf-like appearance with coarse and thick coat, small ears and a straight bushy tail.

This female has a lovely thick winter coat and a straight bushy tail. The ears are quite small and she has a wonderful wolf like appearance.

The Tamaskan Dog is friendly and affectionate. He should not appear aggressive or overly reserved towards people or other dogs. His high intelligence and eagerness to please make him versatile in his uses as a working dog and loyal companion.

Tamaskan Dogs should be affectionate with children.

They should be friendly with other dogs including puppies. They should be eager to please and enjoy working.
Stop: Slight/Moderate

INCORRECT:- Shown on a Malamute this stop is 'deep' CORRECT:- This stop is slight. Slight is preferable to moderate. CORRECT:- The correct stop.
Nose: the nose, lips, and eye rim pigmentation should be black, the lighter streaked " snow nose " is acceptable.

INCORRECT:- Shown on a Husky this is 'Flesh' or 'Pink' nose. INCORRECT:- Shown on a Husky this is Snow nose. (acceptable only in winter months) CORRECT:- This nose is solid black in colour.
Jaws/Teeth: Jaws strong and symmetrical. Well developed teeth, Scissor  bite.

INCORRECT:- This mouth is 'overshot' this can cause breathing and eating problems in a Tamaskan Dog depending on its degree of seriousness. INCORRECT:- This mouth is 'undershot'. Mouths can change from puppy into adulthood so you should check bite regularly. CORRECT:- This mouth is a 'Scissor bite'. Bad mouths can be genetic, so if you can, check the parents of your puppies mouths as well.
Eyes: Eyes are Yellow through amber & brown. Almond shaped and of medium size. Blue eyes are a disqualifying fault. Close fitting lids

INCORRECT:- Shown on a husky she has one brown and one blue eye. INCORRECT:- Eyes are too round. CORRECT:- Beautiful almond shaped and lovely amber colour with close fitting lids.

Ears: Of medium size, but small in proportion to the head. The ears are triangular in shape and slightly rounded at tips. Set wide apart on the skull. Carried facing forward and erect.

INCORRECT:- Shown on a puppy. This 12 week old has 'soft ears'. INCORRECT:- Shown on a puppy this 8 week old has one 'soft ear'. An ear may be soft under 5 months due to teething. CORRECT:- Slightly triangular in shape and small. Carried erect and facing forwards.

Neck:- Slightly arched, long and strong.   Topline: Level topline with a slightly sloping croup.  Croup: Short, not broad, falling away slightly.. Lower line and belly: Taut belly, tucked up.

This female has a long neck and level topline. Her croup is short and falling away slightly and her belly is tucked up.

TAIL:- The tail should reach to the hock joint but not beyond. At rest the tail is carried downward, but when the dog is excited or in motion, it is carried higher. The tail, should not be carried curled over the back. Coarse thick hair but not feathered.

INCORRECT:- Shown on a Husky. INCORRECT:- This dog has a slight kink in their tail. CORRECT:- Shown at rest and at play this is the correct position for the Tamaskan tail.
FOREQUARTERS: The front legs are straight, close together and the feet should turn slightly outwards.

INCORRECT:- These front legs are too wide.

CORRECT:- These legs are close together with toes pointing slightly outwards.

Shoulders: The shoulder-blade is forward, well muscled.    Elbows: Close fitting, turned neither in nor out.     Withers: Well muscled, pronounced.

This female has well muscled withers, nice straight elbows and strong shoulders that are placed well forward.

Pasterns: Slightly slanted, strong, flexible                                                

INCORRECT:- This dog is 'down on the pasterns' or has 'weak pasterns' as they are too slanted. INCORRECT:- This pastern is too straight. Of course this is sometimes down to the standing position. CORRECT:- This dog has pasterns that are only slightly slanted.
Stifles: Well bent, turned neither in nor out.

INCORRECT:- This stifle is too straight.

CORRECT:- The stifle here is correct.

Light, balanced but powerful flowing movement similar to that of a wolf.  Massive ground coverage

CORRECT:- This wolf-dog has inherited his ancestors long powerful stride.

CORRECT:- This young Tamaskan has excellent movement, the steps are slightly shorter than that of the wolf-dog opposite but this may be because of the difference in head carriage and photo angle

Make up of Coat: Straight, close. Winter and summer coat differ. In winter an immense undercoat forms all over the body including the inner part of the ears. Well coated neck. The coat should form a slight ruff around the neck and shoulders framing the head.

INCORRECT:- Although wolves are often seen with longer coats we do not accept this length in the Tamaskan Dog. INCORRECT:- This coat is too short. Although a coat of this length would be accepted in the heights of summer or after whelping a litter. CORRECT:- This dog has a good thick winter coat
COLOUR: Wolf Grey through to Red/Grey with black overlay and characteristic wolf mask.  

INCORRECT:- This husky black but without the grey undercoat. INCORRECT:- This husky is 'piebald'. INCORRECT:- This husky is solid white

CORRECT:- Red Grey CORRECT:- Wolf Grey CORRECT:- Black Grey

INCORRECT:- Shown on a Husky this is an incorrect mask. INCORRECT:- Shown on a Malamute this is an incorrect mask. INCORRECT:- Shown on a puppy this is an incorrect mask, the mask does not reach the nose.

CORRECT:- This is the most common masking of a Wolf Grey Tamaskan. CORRECT:- Good masking shown here on a Red Grey female. CORRECT:- This 12 week old puppy shows another acceptable mask.


Genetics also play a huge part in what your puppy will look like when it is older. Seeing the parents of your puppy is very important. Sometimes the father cannot be seen and this is understandable, but good breeders will always have photos and contact details of the fathers owner available.

If you have any doubts then don't buy the puppy, or contact your society. Never buy a puppy if you cannot see the mother. Never buy a puppy if the parents have not been hip scored and always ask to see the certificate to make sure the score is under 18. Never buy a puppy from a breeder who is not registered with the Tamaskan Dog Register as the puppies will not be registered either, if in doubt then contact us and we can give you a list of registered breeders for you to choose from.


If you would like any part of the standard explaining in more detail or have anymore questions that need answering please contact us via EMAIL



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